Where we want to go

Norwegian Air enables you to book a flight based on destination temperature

Whether you want a ski, beach or city trip, you can choose a destination from a number of variables

You know the score. You book a trip months in advance to a so-called hot destination only to arrive and find it’s cold or wet. Or both. Here at Short Motivation, we often leave our booking to last minute, view the weather for the next 5 days and make a final decision.

It works well if you’re flexible. We once decided on a Friday afternoon that the weather in the UK was being consistently poor and wanted a long weekend away. Looked at the weather for Cyprus and it was displaying relentless sun and 28c for the next 5 days, booked an early Saturday morning flight, a hotel and the next morning we were in Cyprus. By booking late, you can also pick up some last minute deals, too. Hotels will often offer you a discount if you book the day before or even turn up that day and ask for a room.

Norwegian Air has realised people like to book last minute trips and have added a temperature slide to their booking website so you can pick a destination based on the current weather situation, rather than simply guess or go off and look through various weather maps yourself.

A temperature guide has been added to the Norwegian Air booking system

The new interactive tool supports all 40 of Norweigan’s designations, so you can compare Dubai (which can get chilly in December) to Stockholm (can be ridiculously hot in August) or Newark (avoid in January) to Singapore (which can get unbearably humid). The temperature guide ranges from -15c, which is ideal for seeking a ski destination to +30c, which is what you’re likely to find in Dubai.

Of course, the new booking map isn’t limited to selecting a destination simply based on the temperature or weather. You can also pick the type of destination you require (a ski destination, beach or city break) and then choose a budget. You can then choose your origin airport, the month of travel and whether you want a direct flight. Often flying via Norway, which is the source of Norwegian, may save you a tonne of cash when flying to the States.

We recently flew Norwegian Premium from Seattle and were impressed. Although you do not get a lie-flat bed, there’s plenty of legroom, upgraded food and drinks service. The entertainment system was impressive and the Dreamliner quiet, making sleep a breeze.

Go to the Norwegian Air route map to book your forthcoming trip.


About Author

The co-founder of Short Motivation, Chris originates from a technology background, initially developing software and then migrating to the international magazine industry for the last 15 years. The idea for Short Motivation came from travelling through 2011 and eventually became reality six years later, in 2017.