Perfect detoxification aid to help rid the body of heavy metals and other toxins
Perfect detoxification aid to help rid the body of heavy metals and other toxins
The New Year is popular for detox regimes after the excesses of the festive season, although in Chinese medicine, it’s thought that spring is a better choice because it represents a time of birth, rejuvenation, and purification. Traditional Chinese Medicine tells us that the body changes in response to the seasons of the year.
This smoothie features three superhero foods, beetroot, blueberries and cherries, to boost endurance and minimise exercise-induced muscle damage for quick recovery.
This creamy and filling breakfast smoothie is ideal to power you through a busy morning, or as a post-workout refuel. Featuring a mix of ingredients that really do love each other, it’s sure to become a firm favourite.
When it comes to hormones, we need to think about our livers. Our livers don’t just process toxins, they also break down old or excess hormones. The burden placed on our livers in our increasingly toxic environment can mean that our livers are unable to cope and hormone levels can become unbalanced.
This all-natural and indulgent smoothie is great for refuelling after a tough workout, or delivering readily available carbs beforehand. Reminiscent of chocolate milk, you’ll get all the flavour without the refined sugar and additives.
We all know we should try to get more greens into our diets and our bodies – they are just so good for us, being rich in fibre, potassium, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, and a whole host of cancer-fighting, inflammation squashing antioxidants. One easy way to do this is to add raw greens to a smoothie.
For many people, having something to eat before bed enhances sleep because it prevents blood sugar levels from dropping during the night. Choose the right ingredients and you can really maximise sleep – some foods are naturally conducive to sleep because they contain ingredients such as melatonin, serotonin and magnesium.